City of Peterborough
Visit the City website: https://www.peterborough.ca/

Trent University is a leader in Indigenous Studies, working to bring the richness and depth of Indigenous cultures and knowledge to your classroom. Explore the knowledge and cultures of Indigenous peoples and find a place for yourself in the new world.
Visit Trent University’s website: https://www.trentu.ca/

For more than 20 years, GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario’s leading organization focused on issues of environmental education, sustainability, and stewardship. A registered charity, they partner with individuals, businesses, other non-profit organizations and governments. Together we work to ensure that our region maintains its long standing track record of environmental leadership in Ontario and across Canada.
Learn more GreenUP: https://www.greenup.on.ca/

Green Communities Canada, founded in 1995, works with member organizations and partners to deliver innovative and practical community programs, with big wins for environment, health, economy, and infrastructure.
Learn more about GCC: https://greencommunitiescanada.org/

TRACKS (TRent Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge and Science) is a youth outreach program run through Trent University in association with the Indigenous Environmental Studies & Science Program (IESS) and the Kawartha World Issues Centre (KWIC). TRACKS offers classroom and after-school workshops, outreach programming and summer camp experiences with a focus on weaving Indigenous cultural knowledge with math and science curriculum.
Learn more about TRACKS: https://www.tracksprogram.ca/

As peoples of differing faiths and cultures, Faith & the Common Good affirms common values of justice, peace, participation, human rights, ecological inter-relationship, and compassion as cornerstones of a healthy society.
Learn more: https://www.faithcommongood.org/

Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada’s leading social action organization, mobilizing a network of 60 chapters across the country. Through their campaigns they advocate for clean water, fair trade, green energy, public health care, and a vibrant democracy, educating and empowering people to hold our governments and corporations accountable. They are a registered non-profit organization and do not accept money from corporations or governments. Their work is sustained by the volunteer energy and generous donations of people like you.
Learn more: https://canadians.org/

The Kawartha World Issues Centre (KWIC) is a grassroots and charitable Global Education and Resource Centre which promotes dialogue and understanding of world issues to enable people to engage in positive social and environmental change. Since 1989, KWIC has served Peterborough and the Kawartha region by providing education, analysis, and action on pertinent world issues and their local connections by organizing educational events and workshops, animating youth-led initiatives, facilitating working groups, supporting community research projects, internships and placements, a culture of informed and active volunteerism, and sharing resources.
Learn more about KWIC: https://www.kwic.info/